
Promotions and Conditions

1. Current promotions

Referidos OFFSHORE - Términos y condiciones

Programa referidos OFFSHORE:

¡Refiere y gana con Veta Education!

Podrás ganar dinero refiriendo a familiares, amigos o conocidos a nuestra agencia. Para redimir el dinero deberás cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:

  • Se otorgará un valor de 200.000 pesos Colombianos (COP), a aquellas personas que refieran clientes a Veta Education, para realizar sus procesos de estudios en el exterior.
  • El valor (200.000 COP), se pagará a la persona una vez su(s) referido(s) tenga(n) visa aprobada, en el proceso realizado con Veta Education.
  • Los 200.000 COP, se otorgan por cada persona referida. Ejemplo: Si refieres a 2 personas que tramitan un proceso exitoso en Veta (con visa aprobada), ganarás 400.000 COP.
Bono testimonios Malta & Dubái 2024

Bono de 50 Euros (para estudiantes en Malta) o 50 USD (Estudiantes en Dubái), que den su testimonio y cumplan las siguientes condiciones:

1. Envíanos un video en formato horizontal contando la experiencia que has vivido en Malta/Dubái, mostrándonos un poco de la ciudad o tu cotidianidad, invita a tu audiencia a realizar su proceso con Veta y cumplir sus sueños en el exterior.  

2. Déjanos tu calificación y comentario en Google 

3. Síguenos en todas nuestras redes sociales:  
Tik Tok:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/veta-education


Términos y condiciones: 

1. Válido sólo para las personas que están viviendo su experiencia en Malta o Dubái y que en este momento se encuentren en cualquiera de los dos destinos. Si aún no has viajado podrás participar cuando lo hagas.  
2. El desembolso del dinero de hará únicamente si cumples estos puntos:  (video de tu experiencia, opinión en Google y seguirnos en nuestras 5 redes sociales (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, YouTube, LinkedIn), y enviarnos tu usuario de Intagram para etiquetarte.
3. Para verificar que cumpliste con todos los requisitos, enviándonos evidencias: pantallazos de tu opinión en Google y la muestra de que nos sigues en nuestras redes sociales.  
4. Después de verificar lo que nos enviaste, te solicitaremos un número de cuenta de destino, donde quieres que depositemos tus $50 dólares americanos (en caso de estar en Dubái) o $50 euros (en caso de estar en Malta) el pago del dinero se podrá realizar con en el trascurso de 1 mes después de enviar el video y cumplir con los T&C mencionados anteriormente. 

5. Bono valido para estudiantes que lleguen a Malta o Dubái durante el 2024 o hasta agotar existencia.



Bono testimonios Australia Onshore 2024

Bono de descuento 50 AUD en el pago del primer installment a estudiantes que renueven su visa en Australia, envíen sus testimonios  y cumplan las siguientes condiciones:

¿Cómo participar? 

1. Envíanos un video en formato horizontal contando la experiencia que has vivido en Australia, mostrándonos un poco de la ciudad o tu cotidianidad, invita a tu audiencia a realizar su proceso con Veta y cumplir sus sueños en el exterior.  

2. Déjanos tu calificación y comentario en Google 

3. Síguenos en todas nuestras redes sociales:  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vetaeducation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vetaeducation
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vetaeducation
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Veta-Education
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/veta-education

Terms and Conditions

1. Válido sólo para estudiantes que realicen renovación de visa con Veta en Australia.
2. El bono de descuento de 50 AUD será otorgado en el primer INSTALLENT/PAGO que realice el estudiante al college por medio de VETA.
3. Para verificar que cumpliste con todos los requisitos, enviándonos evidencias: pantallazos de tu opinión en Google y la muestra de que nos sigues en nuestras redes sociales.  

4. Aplican estudiantes que hayan iniciado el proceso y que no hayan realizado el pago del primer installment.

5. Promoción valida del 1 de Mayo de 2024 hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024


Promociones activas instituciones partner |2024

Términos y condiciones – Promos instituciones partner:

Schiller University:

  • Descuentos para Maestrías en Madrid, del 50% en el valor del programa sólo para estudiantes que deseen iniciar en los próximos 3 meses (el intake de septiembre de 2024).

English Path:

  • Descuentos para Malta, Dubái, Reino Unido, Toronto y Dublín de 30% en el valor de la matrícula en cursos de inglés (en jornadas AM y PM)
    *Promoción valida hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024.

EC English:

  • Descuentos para Malta y Malta 30+ de 34% en el valor de la matricula en cursos de inglés de 1 a 23 semanas. 38% en el valor de la matricula en cursos de inglés de más de 24 semanas. 
    *Traslado desde el aeropuerto gratis para estudiantes con alojamiento en EC. 
    *Promoción valida hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024.
  • Descuentos para Reino Unido de 37% en el valor de la matricula en cursos de inglés en London & London 30+, Brighton & Brighton 30+ y Cambridge. 43% en el valor de la matricula en cursos de inglés + 10% de alojamiento mínimo de 4 semanas en Manchester y Bristol. 
    *Promoción valida hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024.
  • Descuentos para Canadá de 40% en el valor de la matricula en cursos en Montreal. 35% en el valor de la matricula en cursos + 10% de alojamiento mínimo de 4 semanas en Toronto & Toronto 30+ y Vancouver & Vancouver 30+. 
    *Promoción valida hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024.

ES English:

  • DUBÁI 
    Paquete visa del año con el 25% de descuento y paquete visa short term con el 30% de descuento
    *Aplica únicamente para llegadas máximo en Junio 2025
    *Promoción valida hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024.
    40% de descuento en inglés general semi intensivo-
    *Aplica únicamente para llegadas antes del Marzo 2025
    *Promoción valida hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024.


  • En programas de inglés (Aplica para programas de general english, IELTS Y EAP):
    1 semana gratis por 23 semanas
    2 semanas gratis por más de 38 semanas
    *Deberás asumir el valor de la matrícula y los materiales
    *Promoción valida hasta el 30 de Septiembre 2024.


  • Otros destinos (Italia, Francia, Inglaterra, Canadá y Alemania) 
    Por cada 5 semanas de tu programa, recibe una gratis. 
    *Promoción valida hasta Septiembre 2024.
  • En programas de inglés para Malta
    12 semanas con el 30% de descuento
    24 semanas con el 40% de descuento
    *Deberás asumir el valor de la carta de aceptación, matrícula y visa.
    *Promoción valida hasta Septiembre 2024.
OFFSHORE Veta Education internal promotions 2024:

Promotion for courses from 24 to 29 weeks:

If the student makes an initial payment of 75% and the remaining 25% is paid in the following 6 weeks, he/she will be able to obtain:

  1. Discount of 150 AUD or 450,000 COP ( Colombia only) for your study process.
  2. Un (1) voucher de 150.000 COP adicional​ (solo Colombia) por asistencia a asesoría presencial y realizar el primer pago de manera presencial en una de nuestras oficinas. 

    Promotion for courses from 30 to 39 weeks:

    If the student makes an initial payment of 75% and the remaining 25% is paid in the following 6 weeks, he/she will be able to obtain:

    1. Discount of 200 AUD or 600,000 COP ( Colombia only) for your study process.
    2. Un (1) voucher de 150.000 COP adicional (solo Colombia) por asistencia a asesoría presencial y realizar el primer pago de manera presencial en una de nuestras oficinas.

      Promotion for courses from 40 to 48 weeks:

      If the student makes an initial payment of 75% and the remaining 25% is paid in the following 6 weeks, he/she will be able to obtain:

      1. Discount of 250 AUD or 700,000 COP ( Colombia only) for your study process.
      2. Un (1) voucher de 150.000 COP adicional (solo Colombia) por asistencia a asesoría presencial y realizar el primer pago de manera presencial en una de nuestras oficinas.

        Promociónes validas para todos los destinos de la estrategia, únicamente con los siguientes colegios partner:


        Terms and conditions:

        • El curso debe ser cancelado al 100% para aplicar los bonos, sin excepción alguna.
        • Limited promotions: (valid only for 2 closings per sales consultant only).
        • Los bonos deben ser aprobados por su gerente comercial.
        ONSHORE Veta Education internal promotions 2024

        Students who renew their visa and pay 100% of their COE during the same month.
        A discount voucher of 200 AUD will be granted for your course and will be delivered as follows:

        English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

        VET course renewals: The AUD 200 discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

        ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.

        Promotions valid only for partner schools:


        Terms and Conditions

        • Only applies to students who pay and obtain the COE the same month, if you pay for the coe the following month you lose this benefit.
        • These bonuses are limited (cannot be applied to more than 2 closings per commercial).
        • Descuento valido sólo para renovaciones de visas con los partner especificados.


        2. Inactive promotions

        Cupos mock test IELTS - ILSC (Julio 2024)

        Mockup Test IELTS con ILSC college:

        Las personas que se registren y cumplan con todos los términos y condiciones tendrán un cupo GRATIS para un Mockup Test de IELTS con nuestro College aliado ILSC, el próximo 23 de julio de manera presencial, se llevará a cabo en el Campus de la ciudad de Brisbane de ILSC, de 1:30 PM a 5:00 PM. 

        Términos y condiciones: 

        1. Válido sólo para las personas que estén en Brisbane, Australia, debido a que el premio es de manera presencial. 

        2. Sólo para estudiantes con visa a vencer en los próximos 3 a 4 meses.

        3. Que tengan la intención de renovar su visa y buscar opciones de estudio, mediante una asesoría gratuita con nuestro equipo de VETA Education. 

        4. La persona interesada debe referir mínimo a un amigo o conocido que cumpla con los requisitos 1, 2 y 3.

        5. Ganarán su cupo las primeras 12 personas que cumplan todos los requisitos anteriormente mencionados. 



        Promociones VETA| Eventos Presenciales Colombia Mayo 2024:

        Si durante el evento realizas un abono del 50% de tu curso, y terminas de pagar el restante antes del 30 de Junio, podrás obtener:

        1. Un (1) bono de descuento de  150 USD para tu curso.
        2. Descuentos extra otorgado por las intituciones partner que participarán en estos eventos de las 3 ciudades:

        English Path:

        • Descuentos para Malta en el valor del curso de inglés de más de 24 semanas del 50% (Jornadas AM y PM) 25% (Jornadas Noche).
        • Descuentos para Dubái en el valor del curso de más de 24 semanas del 30% (Jornadas AM y PM) No aplica noche.

        *Deberás asumir el valor de materiales + Inscripción
        *Promoción valida para aplicaciones realizadas antes del 30 de Junio 2024 para cursos con fechas de inicio entre 17 de Junio al 30 de Septiembre 2024.

        ES Dubái:
        Descuentos para Dubái del 30% en el valor del curso de más de 6 meses con visa de 1 año.

        *Promoción valida para aplicaciones realizadas antes del 30 de Junio 2024 para cursos con fechas de inicio entre 15 abril y 31 enero 2025.

        * Incluye inscripción, 2 semanas de alojamiento compartido, traslado desde el aeropuerto, primer libro.
        Sprachcaffe en Malta:
        Semanas gratis 5+1:

        Estudia 12 semanas y paga 10 semanas 
        Estudia 24 semanas y paga 20 semanas 


        Terms and conditions:

        • Válido solamente para los asistentes registrados a los eventos del 18 de Mayo en Bogotá,  28 de Mayo en Ibagué y 30 de Mayo en Medellín.
        • Válido solo para estudiantes que realicen un abono de mínimo el 50% antes o el día del evento y que finalicen de pagar el 50% restante del curso antes del 30 de Junio 2024.
        • El bono de 150 USD, solo aplica para colegios partner
        • The promotions of these events are not cumulative with other promotions granted by Veta Education.
        Promociones Seminario migratorio Melbourne 21 de Mayo 2024

        Estudiantes que asistan al seminario migratorio del 21 de Mayo en Melbourne, podrán acceder a las siguientes promociones:

        1. Sorteo de consulta migratoria de 15 minutos con MMMigration & Recruitment.
        2. Bono de descuento para el programa de estudios de 200 AUD para estudiantes que renueven su visa y paguen el 100% de su COE antes del 30 de Junio de 2024.

        Terms and conditions:

        El Bono de 200 AUD para curso será entregado siempre y cuando el estudiante pague su COE antes del 30 de Junio 2024 y se hará efectivo de la siguiente manera:

        • Renovaciones cursos de inglés: El bono de descuento de 200 AUD será otorgado en el segundo INSTALLMENT/PAGO que realice el estudiante a VETA.
        • Renovaciones cursos VET: El bono de descuento de 200 AUD será otorgado en el tercer INSTALLMENT/PAGO que realice el estudiante a VETA.
        • Renovaciones paquetes ELICOS + VET: El bono de descuento de 200 AUD será otorgado de la siguiente manera: 100 AUD será otorgado en el segundo INSTALLMENT/PAGO del programa de inglés + 100 AUD será otorgado en el tercer INSTALLMENT/PAGO del programa VET.

        -> The immigration consultation with MMM will last 15 minutes, the date will be given according to the availability of the team and we cannot assure that it will be in Spanish.

        Promociones Evento Aniversario Adelaide 17 Mayo - MMMigration.

        Si eres de los primeros estudiantes en realizar el proceso de renovación de visa de estudios con nosotros, podrás participar en la ruleta de descuentos y tener la opción de ganar:

        • 1 Bono de 200 AUD para tu programa de estudios.
        • 1 Bono de 200 AUD para la renovación de tu visa.
        • 1 Free 15-minute Immigration Consultation with MMM

          Terms and Conditions

          • El juego de la ruleta cuenta con 3 premios, se irá eliminando cada premio ganado, es decir que la participación de estudiantes a este concurso es limitado.

          • Válido solamente para los asistentes registrados al evento de aniversario Adeliade del 17 de Mayo con Melanie Macfarlane. 

          El Bono de 200 AUD para renovación de visa, solo será valido para visa de estudios.

          El Bono de 200 AUD para curso será entregado siempre y cuando el estudiante pague su COE antes del 30 de Junio 2024 y se hará efectivo de la siguiente manera:

          El bono de descuento de 200 AUD será otorgado en el tercer INSTALLENT/PAGO que realice el estudiante a VETA. 

          - The immigration consultation with MMM will last 15 minutes, the date will be given according to the availability of the team and we cannot assure that it will be in Spanish. 


          Promoción mes de la mujer (Marzo 2024) OFFSHORE/ONSHORE


          Promoción OFFSHORE:

          Mujeres que inicien su proceso del 1 al 31 de Marzo de 2024 y paguen el 100% de su curso en cualquier destino, obtendrán un bono de descuentos de 150 USD.

          Terms and conditions:

          • Esta promoción no es acumulable con otras promociones internas de VETA.
          • Aplica solo para mujeres que inicien y paguen el 100% del curso entre el 1 y el 31 de marzo de 2024.
          • Aplica para cursos desde 24 semanas en los siguientes destinos: Dubái, Malta, Sudáfrica, Canadá.
          • Applies only to female students.

          Promoción OFFSHORE:

          Mujeres que renueven su visa entre el 1 y el 31 de marzo y paguen el 100% de su COE durante el mismo mes, obtendrán un bono de descuentos de 200 AUD.

          Terms and conditions:

          • El bono será entregado de la siguiente manera:

            English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

            Renovaciones cursos VET y Maestría: El bono de descuento de 200 AUD será otorgado en el tercer INSTALLENT/PAGO que realice el estudiante a VETA. 

            ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.

          • Esta promoción no es acumulable con otras promociones internas de VETA.
          • Aplica solo para mujeres que renueven y paguen el 100% del del COE entre el 1 y el 31 de marzo de 2024.
          • Applies only to female students.

          Promociones instituciones partner |Enero a Marzo 2024

          Terms and conditions:

          GREENWICH- AUSTRALIA: In English programs (Applies to General English, IELTS and EAP programs):

          • For 23 weeks you get 1 week free
          • For more than 38 weeks, you will receive 2 weeks free*Promotionvalid until March 31, 2024.


          • Students who enroll in a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, that is, they will only pay for 20 weeks. *You will have to assume the cost of materials + enrollment fee*
            Promotion valid until January 31, 2024.


          • Adelaide: Students enrolling for a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 20 weeks.(*Must assume the value of materials + registration fee* promotion valid only for the Adelaide campus for applications until March 31, 2024).
          • Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane: Students enrolling for a 24-week English course will receive 1 week free, i.e. they will only pay for 23 weeks.
            (*Must assume the value of materials + Registration* promotion valid for Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane campuses for applications until March 31, 2024).

          English Path:

          • You will get discounts on the value of the English course of more than 24 weeks in the following destinations: 35% in UK, 30% in Malta, Dubai and Canada.

          *You must assume the value of materials + Registration
          *Promotion valid until March 31, 2024.

          EC English:

          • You will get discounts on the value of the English course of more than 24 weeks in the following destinations: 38% in UK and Canada, 35% in Malta and South Africa, 40% Usa.

          *You must assume the value of materials + Registration
          *Promotion valid until March 31, 2024.


          • Get discounts on the value of English courses in the following destinations: 30% United Kingdom, 40% Canada (Vancouver), 30% South Africa.

          *Promotionvalid until March 31, 2024.


          OHC - England:

          • For programs longer than 24 weeks, 20% discount
            on the value of the English course.

          *You must assume the value of materials + Registration
          *Promotion valid until March 31, 2024.


          Promociones VETA| Eventos Presenciales Colombia Marzo 2024:

          Si durante el evento realizas un abono del 50% de tu curso, y terminas de pagar el restante antes del 30 de Abril, podrás obtener:

          1. Un (1) bono de descuento de  150 USD para tu curso.
          2. Descuentos extra otorgado por las intituciones partner que participarán en estos eventos:

          English Path: Obtendrás 30% descuento en el valor del curso desde 24 semanas en Dubái y Malta.

          *Deberás asumir el valor de materiales + Inscripción

          EC English: Obtendrás 35% descuento en el valor del curso desde 24 semanas en Malta y Sudáfrica.

          *Deberás asumir el valor de materiales + Inscripción

           Bayswater: Obtendrás 30% descuento en el valor del curso desde 24 semanas en Sudáfrica.

          *Deberás asumir el valor de materiales + Inscripción


          * Remember that these promotions will be effective once you have paid 100% of your course fee.

          Terms and conditions:

          • Válido solamente para los asistentes registrados a los eventos del 19 de Marzo en Bogotá y 21 de Marzo en Ibagué y Medellín.
          • Válido solo para estudiantes que realicen un abono de mínimo el 50% antes o el día del evento y que finalicen de pagar el 50% restante del curso antes del 30 de Abril 2024.
          • El bono de 150 USD, solo aplica para colegios partner (English Path, EC English, ACE English, Bayswater)
          • The promotions of these events are not cumulative with other promotions granted by Veta Education.
          Promocion Bono 40 AUD Tiquetes Veta Travel (Recolección cartera)

          Estudiantes que paguen la totalidad de cartera 100% del 15 de febrero al 29 de febrero de 2024, tendrán un BONO DE 40 AUD para compra de tiquete aereo con nuestro aliado VETA TRAVEL. 

          Terms and Conditions

          • Solo aplica para estudiantes onshore que paguen la cartera al 100% entre el 15 de febrero y el 29 de febrero de 2024. 
          • Si el estudiante viaja a otros destinos diferentes a Australia el valor del Bono es de 100.000 COP.


          Onsite Seminar Promotions Australia Onshore Master's Degree Programs - February 1, 2024

          Students attending the event will be eligible for the following promotions:

          1. 15-minute immigration consultation sweepstakes with MMMigration & Recruitment.
          2. Master's discount bonus of 200 AUD for students who renew their visa and pay 100% of their COE before February 29th.

          Terms and conditions:

          The 200 AUD will be awarded provided that the student pays the COE by February 29th and will be paid as follows:

          • Master's renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA.

          -> The immigration consultation with MMM will last 15 minutes, the date will be given according to the availability of the team and we cannot assure that it will be in Spanish.

          VETA Promotions| On-site Events Colombia January 2024:

          If during the event you make a payment of 50% of your course and finish paying the remaining amount before February 29th, you will be able to obtain these promotions:

          1. One (1) discount voucher of up to 200 AUD for your course.
          2. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for:
            - Purchase of airfare with VETA Travel to your study destination
            - Visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            - Job orientation seminar in Australia.

          * Remember that these promotions will be effective once you have paid 100% of your course fee.

          Terms and conditions:

          • Valid only for registered attendees of the January 25 events in Ibagué, Bogotá and Medellín.
          • Valid only for students who make a minimum 50% payment before or on the day of the event and finalize payment of the remaining 50% of the course fee before February 29, 2024.
          • The following benefits only apply to Australia:
            One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            One (1) AUD 50 voucher for the job orientation seminar (Your first job in Australia).
          • The 50 AUD voucher, for air tickets to any destination, is only valid for your study trip with veta travel (If the destination is other than Australia, a voucher equivalent to 150.000 COP will be given).
          • The promotions of these events are not cumulative with other promotions granted by Veta Education, but they are cumulative for school promotions.
          BRISBANE - AUSTRALIA : Carnival event

          BRISBANE - AUSTRALIA Celebrate the Barranquilla Carnival aboard the Oasis Boarding Boat!

          We will give away 10 double tickets for this boat party in the city of Brisbane in Australia.

          The event will take place on Saturday, February 10 from 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm Brisbane time, embarking at New Farm Park Wharf.

          What to do to win
          1- We will post an image on our Instagram account @vetaeducation, on February 8 at 10 am Brisbane time.

          2- You must be one of the first 10 to comment and tag the person you would go with to enjoy this party. Remember: you can only win if your companion's visa or yours expires in the first semester of 2024.

          2- You and your companion must follow us on our Instagram account @vetaeducation.

          When the participants are reviewed and meet all the requirements, we will request the personal information of both winners and they will be able to access a code to purchase tickets to the event completely FREE.

          OFFSHORE Veta Education internal promotions 2023:

          Promotion for courses from 24 to 29 weeks:

          If the student makes the 100% payment 1 month after the first payment, he/she will be able to obtain:

          1. Discount of 150 AUD or 450,000 COP ( Colombia only) on the course fee.
          2. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal in Australia with VETA.

          If the student makes the payment of only 25%, he/she will be able to obtain:

          1. 50 AUD discount on the value of the course.

          Promotion for courses from 30 to 39 weeks:

          If the student makes the 100% payment 1 month after the first payment, he/she will be able to obtain:

          1. Discount of 200 AUD or 600,000 COP ( Colombia only) on the course fee.
          2. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal in Australia with VETA.
          3.  One (1) AUD 50 voucher for a job seminar (Your first job in Australia).

          If the student makes the payment of only 25%, he/she will be able to obtain:

          1. Discount of 100 AUD on the value of the course.

          Promotion for courses from 40 to 48 weeks:

          If the student makes the 100% payment 1 month after the first payment, he/she will be able to obtain:

          1. Discount of 250 AUD or 750,000 COP ( Colombia only) on the course fee.
          2. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for ticket purchase with VETA TRAVEL.
          3. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal in Australia with VETA.
          4.  One (1) AUD 50 voucher for a job seminar (Your first job in Australia).

          If the student makes the payment of only 25%, he/she will be able to obtain:

          1. Discount of 150 AUD on the value of the course.

          Promotions valid only for partner schools:


          Terms and conditions:

          • The course must be paid at 100% or 25% respectively to apply the bonuses, without exception.
          • Limited promotions: (valid only for 2 closings per sales consultant only).
          • The bonus must be approved by your business manager.


          ONSHORE Veta Education internal promotions 2023

          Students who renew their visa and pay 100% of their COE during the same month.
          A discount voucher of 200 AUD will be granted for your course and will be delivered as follows:

          English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

          VET course renewals: The AUD 200 discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

          ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.


          Promotions valid only for partner schools:


          Terms and Conditions

          • Only applies to students who pay and obtain the COE the same month, if you pay for the coe the following month you lose this benefit.
          • These bonuses are limited (cannot be applied to more than 2 closings per commercial).
          • Discount valid only for visa renewals with the following partner schools: ALBRIGHT, GREENWICH, LONSDALE, SBTA, LEXIS, CASS TRAINING, ILSC, IH, UNIVERSAL ENGLISH.


          Promotions | Events Colombia and Mexico November 2023:

          If during the event you make a payment of 25% of your course, and finish paying the remaining amount before December 15, you will be able to obtain these promotions:

          1. Free tuition and free weeks.
          2. One (1) discount voucher of up to 200 AUD for your course.
          3. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for:
            - Purchase of airline ticket with VETA Travel.
            - Visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            - Job orientation seminar in Australia.

          * Remember that these promotions will be effective once you have paid 100% of your course fee.

          Terms and conditions:

          • Valid only for registered attendees to the events of November 23 in Ibagué and November 25 in Medellín, Bogotá and Mexico.
          • Valid only for students who make a minimum of 25% payment before or on the day of the event and finalize payment of the remaining 75% of the course fee before December 15.
          • The following benefits only apply to Australia:
            One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            One (1) AUD 50 voucher for the job orientation seminar (Your first job in Australia).
          • The 50 AUD voucher, for air tickets to any destination, is only valid for your study trip with veta travel (If the destination is other than Australia, a voucher equivalent to 150.000 COP / 500 MXN will be given).
          • The promotion of free weeks and free tuition refers to the current promotions of the partner schools.
          • The promotions of these events are not cumulative with other promotions granted by Veta Education.
          Promotions Australia Onshore Seminars - November 17 2023

          Students attending the event will be eligible for the following promotions:

          1. 15-minute immigration consultation sweepstakes with MMMigration & Recruitment.
          2. Discount voucher for your course of 200 AUD for students who renew their visa and pay 100% of their COE before December 15.

          Terms and conditions:

          The 200 AUD 200 AUD course voucher will be issued as long as the student pays the COE before December 15 and will be paid as follows:

          • English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA.
          • VET course renewals: The AUD 200 discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA.
          • ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.

          -> The immigration consultation with MMM will last 15 minutes, the date will be given according to the availability of the team and we cannot assure that it will be in Spanish.

          Active promotions partner institutions | End of year (November - December 2023)

          Terms and conditions:

          GREENWICH- AUSTRALIA: In English programs (Applies to General English, IELTS and EAP programs):

          • For more than 16 weeks you receive free registration
          • For 23 weeks you get 1 week free
          • For more than 38 weeks, you will receive 2 weeks free of charge

          * You will have to assume the value of materials


          • On plans from 22 to 31 weeks, get 2 weeks free .
          • In plans of 32 to 39 weeks, get 4 weeks free.
          • On plans of 40 weeks and over, get a special price per week of: 220 AUD in Melbourne and 210 in Adelaide.

          *(Applies to Melbourne and Adelaide campuses).


          • Students enrolling in a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 20 weeks. *You will have to assume the cost of materials + registration fee.


          • Adelaide: Students enrolling for a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 20 weeks (value per week 240 AUD).
            (*Must assume the value of materials + Registration* promotion valid only for the Adelaide campus for applications until December 15, 2023)
          • Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane: Students enrolling in a 24-week English course will receive 2 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 22 weeks.
            (*Must assume the value of materials + Registration* promotion valid for Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane campuses for applications until December 15, 2023).

          EC English:

          • You will get discounts on the value of the English course of more than 24 weeks in the following destinations:38% in UK and Canada, 35% in Malta, (only applies for courses in Toronto 30+, Vancouver 30+, London 30+ and Malta 30+).

          *You will have to assume the cost of materials + registration.


          • Get discounts on the value of English courses in the following destinations: 30% United Kingdom and 30% Canada.

          CASS TRAINING:

          • Free enrollment in any English course of more than 24
            *promotion valid until December 15, 2023.


          Free weeks in English programs:

          • 2 weeks free on 22 to 32 week plans
          • 3 weeks free on 33 to 43 week plans
          • 4 weeks free on plans longer than 44 weeks

          *applies only for English courses in Australia 

          OHC - England:

          • For programs longer than 24 weeks, 20% discount
            on the value of the English course.

          *You will have to assume the cost of materials + Registration*.

          All promotions mentioned above are valid for applications made until December 15, 2023.

          Black Friday November 2023 Promotions

          Terms and conditions:


          • OFFSHORE: English courses of any duration, price per week 220 AUD in Melbourne and 210 AUD in Adelaide.
            *(Only for applications from November 20 to 26, 2023 and for Latin students starting their course by December 16, 2024)
          • ONSHORE: English courses of any duration, price per week 200 AUD in Melbourne and Adelaide.
            *(Only for applications from November 20 to 26, 2023 and for Latin students who pay 100% of the COE before December 15, 2023).


          GREENWICH -AUSTRALIA: In English programs (Applies to General English, IELTS and EAP programs):

          • For more than 16 weeks you receive free registration
          • For 23 weeks you get 1 week free
          • For more than 38 weeks, you will receive 2 weeks free of charge

          * You must assume the value of materials, promotion valid until December 15, 2023.



          Free weeks in English programs:

          • 2 weeks free on 22 to 32 week plans
          • 3 weeks free on 33 to 43 week plans
          • 4 weeks free on plans longer than 44 weeks

          *only applies to English courses in Australia, promotion valid until December 15, 2023.



          • Adelaide: Students enrolling for a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 20 weeks (value per week 240 AUD).
            (*Must assume the value of materials + Registration* promotion valid only for the Adelaide campus for applications until December 15, 2023)
          • Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane: Students enrolling in a 24-week English course will receive 2 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 22 weeks.
            (*Must assume the value of materials + Registration* promotion valid for Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane campuses for applications until December 15, 2023).


          • Students enrolling in a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 20 weeks.
            *You must assume the value of materials + Registration* promotion valid until December 15, 2023.


          • Free enrollment in any English course of more than 24
            *promotion valid until December 15, 2023.



          • Get discounts on the value of English courses in the following destinations: 50% Canada (Vancouver), 45% Canada (Toronto and Calgary), 45% United Kingdom.
            *(Only for applications from November 13 to 27, 2023)

          English Path:

          • You will get discounts on the value of the English course of more than 24 weeks in the following destinations: 20% in Dubai, 50% UK and 25% in Malta.

          *You must assume the value of materials + Registration, promotion valid until November 29, 2023.

          EC English:

          • You will get discounts on the value of the English course of more than 24 weeks in the following destinations:38% in UK and Canada, 35% in Malta, (only applies for courses in Toronto 30+, Vancouver 30+, London 30+ and Malta 30+).

          *You must assume the value of materials + Registration, promotion valid until December 15, 2023.

          Promotions | Events Colombia and Mexico September 2023:

          If during the event you make a payment of 25% of your course, and finish paying the remaining amount before October 31, you will be able to obtain these promotions:

          1. Free tuition and free weeks.
          2. One (1) discount voucher of up to 200 AUD for your course.
          3. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for:
            - Purchase of airline ticket with VETA Travel.
            - Visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            - Job orientation seminar in Australia.

          * Remember that these promotions will be effective once you have paid 100% of your course fee.

          Terms and conditions:

          • Valid only for registered attendees to the events of September 28 in Colombia and September 23 in Mexico.
          • Valid only for students who pay a minimum of 25% before or on the day of the event and finalize payment of the remaining 75% of the course fee before October 31.
          • The following benefits only apply to Australia:
            One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            One (1) AUD 50 voucher for the job orientation seminar (Your first job in Australia).
          • The 50 AUD voucher, for air tickets to any destination, is only valid for your study trip with veta travel (If the destination is other than Australia, a voucher equivalent to 150.000 COP / 500 MXN will be given).
          • The promotion of free weeks and free tuition refers to the current promotions of the partner schools.
          • The promotions of these events are not cumulative with other promotions granted by Veta Education.
          Australia face-to-face seminar : covid and student visa : September 28th

          Students attending the event will be eligible for the following promotions:

          1. 15-minute immigration consultation sweepstakes with MMMigration & Recruitment.
          2. Discount voucher for your course of 200 AUD for students who renew their visa and pay 100% of their COE before October 31.

          Terms and conditions:

          The 200 AUD 200 AUD course voucher will be issued as long as the student pays the COE before October 31 and will be paid as follows:

          • English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA.
          • VET course renewals: The AUD 200 discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA.
          • ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.

          -> The immigration consultation with MMM will last 15 minutes, the date will be given according to the availability of the team and we cannot assure that it will be in Spanish.

          Active promotions partner institutions:

          Terms and conditions:

          GREENWICH: In English programs (Applies to General English, IELTS and EAP programs):

          • For more than 16 weeks you receive free registration
          • For 23 weeks you get 1 week free
          • For more than 38 weeks, you will receive 2 weeks free of charge

          * Valid until September 30, 2023. You must assume the value of materials.


          • On plans from 22 to 31 weeks, get 2 weeks free .
          • On plans of 32 to 34 weeks, get 4 weeks free.
          • For plans of 40 weeks or more, get a price per week of 220 AUD.

          *(Applies to Melbourne and Adelaide campuses) until December 31, 2023.



          • Students who enroll in a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, that is, they will only pay for 20 weeks. *You will be responsible for the cost of materials + registration fee.


          • You will get discounts on the value of the English course over 24 weeks in the following destinations: 38% in UK, 38% in Canada, 25% in Malta, (only applies for courses in Toronto 30+, Vancouver 30+, London 30+ and Malta 30+).

          * Valid until September 30, 2023. You will have to assume the value of materials + Registration*.


          • Get discounts on the value of English courses in the following destinations: 30% United Kingdom, Canada: 30% Toronto, 25% Calgary, 30% Vancouver. 

          * Valid until September 30, 2023.

          Promotions : B2B Events August 2023 (Expo Universidades Ibagué and Feria de Universidades Mariquita/Tolima):

          If during the event you make a payment of 25% of your course, and finish paying the rest in 1 month, you will be able to obtain these promotions:

          1. One (1) discount voucher of up to 200 AUD for your course.
          2. One (1) 50 AUD voucher for the purchase of a ticket with Veta Travel.
          3. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
          4. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for the job orientation seminar (Your first job in Australia).

          * Remember that these promotions will be effective once you have paid 100% of your course fee.

          Terms and conditions:

          • Valid only for registered attendees to the events of August 17 and 18 in Ibagué (Expo Universidades) and August 18 in Mariquita/Tolima (Feria de universidades Jimenista).
          • Valid only for students who make a minimum payment of 25% before or on the day of the event and pay the remaining 75% of the course fee before the end of September.
          • The following benefits only apply to Australia:
            Pick-up service at the airport upon arrival in Australia.
            One (1) 50 AUD voucher for visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            One (1) 50 AUD voucher for the job orientation seminar (Your first job in Australia).
          • The 50 AUD voucher, for air tickets to any destination, is only valid for your study trip with veta travel (If the destination is other than Australia, a voucher equivalent to 150.000 COP will be given).
          • The promotions of these events are not cumulative with other promotions granted by Veta Education.
          Promotions | Australia VS Canada Webinar - August 24, 2023

          For all webinar participants, our invited institutions will have the following promotions:


          • Students who enroll in a 24-week English course will receive 4 weeks free, that is, they will only pay for 20 weeks. *You will be responsible for the cost of materials + registration fee.


          • 30% OFF on English weeks in 2023.
          • 25% OFF on English weeks to start in 2024.
          • If you enroll in a vocational program, you will have the opportunity to take an online English course to strengthen your English language skills.
          • 50% OFF registration fee.

          * Valid only for attendees of the Australia VS Canada webinar (August 24 - 2023).


          Promotions | Colombia and Mexico Events July 2023:

          If during the event you make a payment of 25% of your course, and finish paying the rest in 1 month, you will be able to obtain these promotions:

          1. One (1) discount voucher of up to 200 AUD for your course.
          2. Pick-up service at the airport upon arrival in Australia.
          3. One (1) 50 AUD voucher for the purchase of a ticket with Veta Travel.
          4. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
          5. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for the job orientation seminar (Your first job in Australia).

          * Remember that these promotions will be effective once you have paid 100% of your course fee.

          Terms and conditions:

          • Valid only for registered attendees to the events of July 25 in Colombia and July 29 in Mexico.
          • Valid only for students who pay a minimum of 25% before or on the day of the event and finalize payment of the remaining 75% of the course fee before August 31.
          • The following benefits only apply to Australia:
            Pick-up service at the airport upon arrival in Australia.
            One (1) 50 AUD voucher for visa renewal with VETA in Australia.
            One (1) 50 AUD voucher for the job orientation seminar (Your first job in Australia).
          • The 50 AUD voucher, for air tickets to any destination, is only valid for your study trip with veta travel (If the destination is other than Australia, a voucher equivalent to 150.000 COP will be given).
          • The promotions of these events are not cumulative with other promotions granted by Veta Education.
          Promotions Events Australia: Colombian Independence July 2023

          Those attending the event will be able to participate in a dynamic trivia-type contest, which will have 4 winners:

          These 4 winners will play a roulette wheel which will define the prizes to be awarded:

          • 1 AUD 100 voucher for the renewal of study visa
          • 1 AUD 200 voucher for your course (English or Vocational)
          • 1 Free 15-minute Immigration Consultation with MMM
          • 1 place in our job orientation workshop in Australia

            Terms and Conditions

            - Valid only for registered attendees atIndependence Day events in the cities of (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide).

            - The 100 AUD voucher for visa renewal will only be valid for study visas.

            - The 200 AUD course voucher will be issued as long as the student pays his COE before August 31 and will be paid as follows:

            English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

            VET course renewals: The AUD 200 discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

            ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.

            - The immigration consultation with MMM will last 15 minutes, the date will be given according to the availability of the team and we cannot assure that it will be in Spanish. 

            - The workshop will be held online and the date will depend on the availability of places. 


            OFFSHORE Veta Education July 2023:

            Promotion for courses from 24 to 29 weeks:

            If the student makes the 100% payment until July 31, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. Discount of 150 AUD or 450,000 COP ( Colombia only) on the course fee.
            2. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal in Australia with VETA.

            If the student makes the payment of 25% until July 31, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. 50 AUD discount on the value of the course.

            Promotion for courses from 30 to 39 weeks:

            If the student makes the 100% payment until July 31, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. Discount of 200 AUD or 600,000 COP ( Colombia only) on the course fee.
            2. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal in Australia with VETA.
            3.  One (1) AUD 50 voucher for a job seminar (Your first job in Australia).

            If the student makes the payment of 25% until July 31, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. Discount of 100 AUD on the value of the course.

            Promotion for courses from 40 to 48 weeks:

            If the student makes the 100% payment until July 31, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. Discount of 250 AUD or 750,000 COP ( Colombia only) on the course fee.
            2. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for ticket purchase with VETA TRAVEL.
            3. One (1) AUD 50 voucher for visa renewal in Australia with VETA.
            4.  One (1) AUD 50 voucher for a job seminar (Your first job in Australia).

            If the student makes the payment of 25% until July 31, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. Discount of 150 AUD on the value of the course.

            Promotions valid only for partner schools:


            Terms and conditions:

            • The course must be paid at 100% or 25% respectively to apply the bonuses, without exception.
            • Limited promotions: (valid only for 2 closings per sales consultant only).
            • The bonus must be approved by your business manager.


            Promotions ONSHORE INDEPENDENCE EVENT - JULY 2023

            Students who renew their visa and pay their COE on the day of the event or before July 31, 2023.
            A discount voucher of 200 AUD will be granted for your course and will be delivered as follows:

            English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

            VET course renewals: The AUD 200 discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

            ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.


            Promotions valid only for partner schools:


            Terms and Conditions

            • Only applies to students who pay and obtain the COE before July 31, if you pay for the coe the following month you lose this benefit.
            • These bonuses are limited (cannot be applied to more than 2 closings per commercial).
            • Discount valid only for visa renewals with the following partner schools: ALBRIGHT, GREENWICH, LONSDALE, SBTA, LEXIS, CASS TRAINING, ILSC, IH, UNIVERSAL ENGLISH.


            Webinar Promotions Chile - LEXIS ENGLISH (June 15, 2023)

            If you make a minimum payment of 500.000 CLP (Chilean pesos) before or on the day of the webinar, and finish paying the remaining amount in 1 month you will have:

            PROMO 1:

            Students who apply to a 46-week course will have:

            • 250 AUD discount on your course
            • Airport pick-up
            • 1 seat Employment orientation seminar
            • 50 AUD voucher for your air ticket with Veta Travel

            PROMO 2:

            Students who apply to a 24-week course will have:

            • 150 AUD discount on your course

            *Remember that these promotions will be effective once you finish paying 100% of your course.

            Expo Veta Australia 2023 Promotions:

            If during EXPO VETA you make a minimum payment of 200 AUD and pay 100% of the remaining value of the COE within the next two months, i.e. until July 12, 2023 (for Sydney and Melbourne registrants), and until July 19 (for Brisbane registrants) you will receive:

            1. One FREE week of English or the vocational course of your choice.

            2. Participate in the Roulette for prizes you can win:

            • Free visa renewal
            • 200 AUD voucher for your course
            • Free immigration consultation with MMM
            • 1 place in our job orientation workshop in Australia

            Terms and Conditions

            - Valid only for attendees registered to attend Veta Expo 2023 AUSTRALIA in any of the three cities (Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane).

            - The student must make a minimum payment of 200 AUD before or on the day of the event.

            - The student must finish paying 100% of the COE within the next two months, i.e. by July 12, 2023 (for Sydney and Melbourne registrants), and by July 19 (for Brisbane registrants).

            - The FREE week will be valid only for English courses in case you take an English + vocational course package.

            - Free visa renewal (Applies for first and second time renewal, in case of renewal in couple applies only for the principal).

            Remember that these promotions will be effective once you finish paying 100% of the COE.

            CYBERMONDAY JUNE 2023 promotions:

            Promotion for courses from 24 weeks to 38 weeks:

            If the student makes the 100% payment until June 30, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. Discount of 250 AUD on the value of the course.
            2. One (1) 50 AUD voucher for visa renewal in Australia.

            If the student pays only 25% until June 30, he/she will get:

            1. Discount of 150 AUD on the value of the course.

            Promotion for courses longer than 38 weeks

            If the student makes the 100% payment until June 30, he/she will be able to obtain:

            1. Discount of 250 AUD on the value of the course.
            2. One (1) 50 AUD voucher for visa renewal in Australia.
            3.  One (1) 50 AUD voucher for air tickets with Veta Travel.
            4. One (1) place for the job orientation seminar in Australia (Bootcamp).

            If the student pays only 25% until June 30, he/she will get:

            1. Discount of 150 AUD on the value of the course.

            Promotions valid only for partner schools:


              Terms and conditions:

              • Limited promotions: (valid only for 2 closings per sales consultant)
              • Vocuhers valid only for students who make 100% payment before June 30, 2023.
              • Students who make a payment of only 25% before June 30, 2023, will only receive a discount of 150 AUD for the value of the course.
              • Promotions valid only for English courses at Partner schools in Australia: ALBRIGHT, GREENWICH, LONSDALE, SBTA, LEXIS, CASS TRAINING, ILSC, IH (Brisbane not).
              • These promotions are cumulative with the current promotions of each school until June 30, 2023.
              Offshore promotions allied schools June 2023:

              Offers valid from April 1st to June 30th paying 100% of the course fee.

              • GREENWICH: In English programs (Applies to General English, IELTS and EAP programs) for more than 16 weeks you receive free enrollment, for 23 weeks you receive 1 week free and for more than 38 weeks you receive 2 weeks free. *You must assume the value of materials

              • UNIVERSAL ENGLISH: You will get a discount voucher of 250 AUD on the value of the English course over 24 weeks at the Adelaide campus. *You will have to assume the value of materials + registration fee.

              • BAYSIDE: You will get free tuition with courses longer than 24 weeks. *You must assume the value of materials and the value of the course.

              • CASS TRAINING: You will get free tuition with courses longer than 24 weeks. *You must assume the value of materials and the value of the course.

              •  Orange: Students who pay in advance for their 30-week English course will receive 6 weeks free, i.e. they will only pay for 24 weeks.*You will have to assume the value of materials + registration fee.

              • EC: Colombian students only: you will get discounts on the value of the English course of more than 24 weeks in the following destinations: 35% in Canada, 25% in Malta, 20% in Ireland until June 30, 2023. *You will have to assume the value of materials + Enrollment.
                25% in USA on the value of the course + free tuition.

              • ENGLISH PATH: 30% discount in Dubai, program longer than 24 weeks ready for General, Semi Intensive and Intensive AM and PM courses.
                20% discount in Dubai, for listed programs in: Business English, exam preparation.
                *You will have to assume the value of materials + registration fee.
              • BAYSWATER: You will get discounts on the value of the 24+ week English course in Canada as follows: VANCOUVER= -40%, TORONTO=-30%, CALGARY=25% *You will have to assume the value of materials + registration fee.
              ONSHORE JUNE 2023 Promotions

              Students who renew their visa and pay their COE before the end of the fiscal year June 30, 2023.
              A discount voucher of 200 AUD will be granted for your course and will be delivered as follows:

              English course renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be given on the student's second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

              VET course renewals: The AUD 200 discount voucher will be awarded on the student's third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT to VETA. 

              ELICOS + VET package renewals: The 200 AUD discount voucher will be awarded as follows: 100 AUD will be awarded on the second INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the English program + 100 AUD will be awarded on the third INSTALLENT/PAYMENT of the VET program.


              Promotions valid only for partner schools:


              Terms and Conditions

              • Only applies to students who pay and obtain the COE before June 30, if you pay for the coe the following month you lose this benefit.
              • These bonuses cannot be applied to more than 2 closings per salesperson.
              • Discount valid only for visa renewals with the following partner schools: ALBRIGHT, GREENWICH, LONSDALE, SBTA, LEXIS, CASS TRAINING, ILSC, IH, UNIVERSAL ENGLISH.


              Colombia Webinar Promotions - Malta vs Dubai ENGLISH PATH / EC ENGLISH (22 June 2023)

              If you make the full payment of your course before June 30, 2023, you will be able to take advantage of the following promotions:


              • 30% discount on English courses*
                Students who apply for a general English course, longer than 24 weeks (semi-intensive and intensive).
              • 20% discount on Business English and Exam Preparation courses*
                Students applying for a Business English and International Exam Preparation course.

              *The discount does not apply to the cost of materials and registration.

              MALTA PROMO - EC ENGLISH:

              • 25% discount on English courses
                -Colombian students who apply for a general english course, longer than 24 weeks.
                -Free enrollment in your English course.

              *The discount will not be applied to the value of materials.

              Remember that these promotions will be effective only if you pay 100% of your course fees before June 30, 2023.

              Expo Veta Medellin and Bogota 2023 promotions:

              If during the EXPO VETA you reserve your course with 25% and pay 75% of the remaining value before June 30, you can get these promotions:

              Promo 1:
              1. If you apply for an English course with SELA or Explore English from 48 weeks, we will give you 3 weeks for free, you will only pay 45 weeks, that is, you will save 800 AUD Approx.
              2. pick-up service at the airport upon arrival.
              3. One (1) 50 AUD voucher with Veta Travel for study flights.
              4. One (1) Quota for the job orientation workshop

              Promo 2:

              If you apply for an English course with SELA or Explore English from 28 weeks, we will give you 2 weeks for free, you will only pay 26 weeks, that is, you will have a saving of 500 AUD Approx.

              Promotions valid only for partner schools: EXPLORE ENGLISH and SELA. 

              Promo 3:

              If you apply to a course of more than 26 weeks (English or Vet) with ANY OF THE COLLEGES PARTICIPATING IN THE FAIR, we will give you 1 week free.


              If you are one of the first 12 students to pay 25% of the course, you will be able to participate in the discount roulette and have the chance to win:

              • 25% scholarship for your English course.
              • 200 AUD voucher for your English language or vocational course
              • Airport pick-up in Australia
              • Free visa value
              • 1 place in our job orientation workshop in Australia
              • 100 AUD in airfare for your study trip to any destination

              Terms and conditions:

              • Valid only for registered attendees to Expo Veta 2023.
              • Valid only for students who pay a minimum of 25% before or on the day of the fair and pay the remaining 75% of the course fee before June 30.
              • The promotion 1 and the promotion 2, only applies to schools (SELA and EXPLORE ENGLISH).
              • The promotion 3 applies for the program of your choice (English or VET) in any destination, over 26 weeks, the student will pay one week less. Only schools participating in the fair.
              • The promotion 1 and the promotion 2, cannot be combined with the promotion 3.
              • Students paying for a course of less than 26 weeks will only be eligible for the Roulette promotion.
              • The airport pick-up service will be valid only for students traveling to Australia.
              • The voucher for the labor seminar will be valid only for students traveling to Australia.
              • In the roulette game, each prize won will be eliminated, which means that the participation of students in this contest is limited.
              • The student who has chosen promotion 1 and wins in the roulette wheel: (Place in the job orientation seminar or airport pick-up) will not be able to win the prize twice.
              • The student who has chosen promotion 1 and wins in the roulette (100 AUD voucher for tickets) will be awarded the voucher with the highest value.
              • If the student applied to a destination other than Australia and wins in the roulette wheel: (Job Orientation Seminar place or airport pick-up) He/she will not win a prize in the roulette wheel.
              • If the student applied to a destination other than Australia and wins in the roulette (200 AUD discount bonus for the course, a bonus equivalent to 400,000 COP will be given).
              • The 100 AUD voucher, for air tickets to any destination, is only valid for your study trip with veta travel (If the destination is other than Australia, a voucher equivalent to 200,000 COP will be given).
              If the student makes the first subscription after the event, he/she will only be able to access the following promotions with SELA and EXPLORE ENGLISH:

              Promo 1:
              If you apply for an English course of 48 weeks, we will give you 2 weeks for free, will pay 46 weeks.

              Promo 2:
              If you apply for an English course of 28 weeks, we will give you 1 week for free, you will pay 27 weeks.

              All the promotions mentioned above will be effective once the student finishes paying 100% of the course fee before June 30, 2023.
              On-site lecture promotions: Mexico and Chile May 2023

              If you pay 25% during the event and pay the remaining amount of the course in one month, you will be able to obtain these promotions:

              Promo 1:
              1. If you apply for an English course of 48 weeks, we will give you 3 weeks for free, you will only pay 45 weeks, that is, you will have a saving of 800 AUD Approx.
              2. pick-up service at the airport upon arrival.
              3. One (1) 50 AUD voucher with Veta Travel for study flights.
              4. One (1) Quota for the job orientation workshop
              Promo 2:

              If you apply for an English course of 28 weeks, we will give you 2 weeks for free, you will only pay 26 weeks, that is, you will have a saving of 500 AUD Approx.


              Terms and conditions:

              • The promotion will be valid only if the student pays before or on the day of the event and finishes paying 100% of the course fee 1 month after the event (June 25).
              • Promotion valid only for schools: SELA y EXPLORE ENGLISH
              If the student makes the first payment after the event, it will only apply to half of the promotion:

              Promo 1:
              If you apply for an English course of 48 weeks, we will give you 2 weeks for free, will pay 46 weeks.

              Promo 2:
              If you apply for an English course of 28 weeks, we will give you 1 week for free, you will pay 27 weeks.

              Mother's month promotion May 2022

              Promotion: Students who attend any of our offices in the company of their mothers and pay 100% of their English course over 25 weeks until May 31, 2023, will get the tuition free.

              Terms and conditions:

              • Applies only for English courses of more than 25 weeks in Australia.
              • If the person pays 100% of the course fee until May 31, 2023.
              • Applies to partner schools: Bayside, Greenwich, Albright, International House, Explore English, ILSC, Cass Training and SELA.
              • Applies only to students who attend any of the physical offices in the company of their mothers. 
              On-site lecture promotions: Chile April 13 - Ibagué April 27 2023

              If during the event you make a payment of 25% of your course, and finish paying the remaining 100% in 1 month, you will be able to obtain these promotions:

              1. One (1) discount voucher up to 200 AUD
              2. pick-up service at the airport upon arrival.
              3. One (1) 50 AUD voucher with Veta Travel for study flights.
              Saint Patrick's Day Promotion

              Students who pay 100% of the cost of their English course in Ireland will receive a 20% discount.

              Terms and conditions:

              • Applies only for English courses longer than 24 weeks with EC Dublin English School.
              • The student must pay 100% of the course fee until March 31, 2023.
              • The student must assume the costs of materials and registration.
              • Promotion Valid from March 17 to March 31.
              Allied school promotions March 2023:

              Offers valid from March 1 to March 31 paying 100% of the course fee.

              • GREENWICH: In English programs (Applies to General English, IELTS and EAP programs) for more than 16 weeks you receive free enrollment, for 23 weeks you receive 1 week free and for more than 38 weeks, you receive 2 weeks free.

              *You must assume the value of materials. 

              • EXPLORE ENGLISH: In English courses for every 11 weeks, you will receive 1 week free (it is cumulative with the number of weeks you pay for).

              *You will have to assume the cost of materials + registration fee. 

              • BAYSIDE and Cass Training: Get free tuition with courses longer than 24 weeks.

              *You must assume the value of materials and the value of the course. 

              • Orange: Students who quote English courses for more than 30 weeks, you will get a discount for the value of 6 weeks.

              *You will have to assume the cost of materials + registration fee. 

              • EC: Get discounts on the value of the English course over 24 weeks in the following destinations: 35% in Canada, 30% in USA, 20% in Malta and Ireland. until March 31, 2023.

              *You will have to assume the cost of materials + registration fee. 

              • BAYSWATER: You will get discounts on the value of the 24+ week English course in Canada as follows: VANCOUVER= -40%, TORONTO=-30%, CALGARY=25%.

                *You will have to assume the cost of materials + registration fee. 

              Women's Day Promotion (March 2023)

              Promotion: Women who pay 100% of their English course over 25 weeks until March 31, 2023, will get free tuition.

              Terms and conditions:

              • Applies only for English courses of more than 25 weeks in Australia.
              • If the person pays 100% of the course fee until March 31, 2023.
              • Applies to partner schools: Bayside, Greenwich, Albright, International House, Explore English, ILSC, Cass Training and SELA.
              • Applies only to female students.
              On-site event promotions (Bogota - Ibague - Medellin) - January 19 2023
              • Discount voucher for $150 AUD for English courses of 24 weeks or more, paying 25%, if you pay 100% you get a bonus of $250 AUD. weeks, paying 25%, if you pay 100% you will get a bonus of $250 AUD. AUD, this promotion applies for payments until January 31, 2023 at the following institutions: 1. following institutions:(Albright, Cass Training, Explore, SBTA, Greenwich, ILSC, Orange).

              Visa Renewal Promotions

              • 100 AUD bonus for the renewal of your visa in Australia, paying 100% of your 24-week English course from Latin America .Applies to all partnerinstitutions until January 31, 2023. (Valid for renewals in English, VET, Masters programs).
              • 200 AUD bonus for the renewal of your visa in Australia, paying 100% of your 36-week English course from Latin America.Applies to partnerinstitutions until January 31, 2023. (Valid for renewals in English, VET, Masters programs).
              Year-end Promotions - LATAM - December 2022
                • Discount voucher for $150 AUD for English courses starting from 24 weeks, paying 25%, if you pay 100% you will get a bonus of $250 AUD, this promotion applies for payments until December 31, 2022 in the following institutions: (Albright, International House, Explore, SBTA, Lexis)

                Visa Renewal Promotions

                • 100 AUD bonus for the renewal of your visa in Australia, paying 100% of your 24-week English course from Latin America. Applies to all partner institutions until December 31, 2022. (Valid for renewals in English, VET, Masters programs).  
                • 200 AUD bonus for the renewal of your visa in Australia, paying 100% of your 36-week English course from Latin America. Applies to partner institutions until December 31, 2022. (Valid for renewals in English, VET, Masters programs).  

                Additional promotions for allied schools:

                • On English Path: get 50% discount on program and free tuition, in Malta and Dubai for general and semi-intensive English courses, minimum 4 weeks and maximum 23 weeks starting in 2023. Offer valid until December 26th.
                • In EC: You will get discounts in the enrollment of English courses of up to: 30% in Canada - 25% USA and Dublin - 20% Malta - Offer valid until December 31, 2022 (For courses starting in 2022 the pricelist of 2022 applies and for the weeks scheduled for 2023 the pricelist of 2023 will apply) (Colombian students only).

                *Partner institutions in Australia:

                English: Albright - Explore - Kaplan - IH - ILSC - SELA - Lonsdale - Universal English - Bayside.

                VET: Kirana College - ALG - ANIBT - MCIE - SBTA - Lonsdale - SITE - Baxter - Orange - Danford - Lead College - Superior Training - TAFE NSW - Greystone - GMC.

                Universities: Torrens - CQU - Swinburne University - JCU - Kaplan - Southern Cross University - Victoria University.

              Promotions Expo Veta 2022 (Australia) - VETA EDUCATION & MIGRATION
              • If during EXPO VETA you reserve your course with a minimum of 200 AUD and pay 100% of the remaining amount before the end of the month (November 2022), you will be able to obtain these promotions:

                1. One FREE week of English or vocational course of your choice.
                2. Voucher for labor seminar in the Australian market equivalent to 300 AUD (Bootcamp in Australia).

                  Terms and conditions:

                  • Valid only for registered attendees of Veta Expo 2022 AUSTRALIA in either city (Sydney or Melbourne).
                  • The FREE week will be valid only for English courses in case you take an English + vocational course package.
                  • The customer will be able to access all the above mentioned promotions only if:
                  • Make a minimum payment of 200 AUD in any program.
                  • Complete 100% payment by the end of November 2022.
                  • If the client only pays the remaining 25% during the current month, he/she will only have access to the bootcamp or work seminar voucher but not to the free study week.
                Promotions Expo Veta 2022 (Australia) - OTHER COLLEGES
                • ECA Group

                  Sydney - Rose Passarelli

                  EF waived

                  $200 COE deposit

                  Black November special ELSIS $200 per week evening course

                  Black November VET special $1,400 per term (packages with HED)

                  20% scholarship for masters course at APIC: MBA / MIT / MPMB

                  MEL - Javier Buitrago

                  EF waived

                  $200 COE deposit

                  Black November special ELSIS $200 per week evening and day courses

                  Black November VET special $1,400 per term (packages with HED)

                  20% scholarship for masters course at APIC: MBA / MIT / MPMB

                Promotions EXPO VETA 2022 (Colombia) - VETA EDUCATION & MIGRATION

                If during EXPO VETA you reserve your course with a minimum of 500,000 COP and pay 100% of the remaining amount before the end of the month in which you attended Expo Veta 2022, (if you attended the fair in Medellin, the remaining amount must be paid before September 30, if you attended the fair in Bogota you must pay before October 31) and you can get these promotions:

                1. One free week in the study program of your choice
                2. Voucher of 50 AUD for VETA TRAVEL air tickets for your study trip. Valid for any destination of the fair. If it is a destination other than Australia, the conversion from Australian dollars to Colombian pesos will be made according to the TRM of the day.
                3. Voucher MMMigration & Recruitment for 100 AUD for immigration appointment in Australia
                4. Voucher for labor seminar in the Australian market equivalent to 300 AUD (Bootcamp in Australia)

                Terms and conditions:

                • Valid only for registered attendees to Expo Veta 2022 in either city (Medellín September 3 - Bogotá October 1).
                • The voucher for the immigration appointment with Mmmigration & Recreuitment will be valid only for programs in Australia.
                • The voucher for the labor seminar will be valid only for students traveling to Australia.
                • The discount of 50 AUD, for air tickets to any destination is only valid for your study trip (Any destination of the fair).
                • The customer will be able to access all the above mentioned promotions only if:
                • Make a minimum payment of COP 500,000 in any program.
                • Complete 100% of the payment before the end of the month (September for Medellin - October for Bogota).
                • If the customer only pays the remaining 25% during the current month he/she will only have access to the Vouchers but not to the free study week.
                Promotions - EXPO VETA 2022 (Colombia) - COLLEGES
                • 20 Vouchers for 500 CAD (Canadian dollars) each in airfare, for all students enrolling in Diplomas in Canada with CORNERSTONE, during the VETA 2022 EXPO, Medellin September 3 or Bogota October 1.
                • FREE Enrollment fee in any academic program with EC COLLEGE, in any of the following destinations: Malta, USA and Canada, for people who enroll during the fair or with a maximum term of one week after the date attended.
                  - Registration deadline for access to the promotion - EXPO VETA Medellin (September 3 to 10)
                  - Registration deadline to access the promotion - EXPO VETA Bogota (October 1 to 8)
                • FREE Enrollment fee (valued at $300 per application) for all applications received by KAPLAN (KBS) until October 31, 2022.

                • 10 weeks of EAP english (English for academic purposes) for foreign students who need English to enter higher education programs at KAPLAN BUSINESS SCHOOL (KBS).
                EP ENGLISH PATH - GBS (July 2022)

                Study in Dubai, 25% OFF with our Partner > EP English Path - GBS

                Take advantage of a 25% discount on General English courses of 20, 25, 40 lessons, IELTS and CAMBRIDGE.

                London Greenford & London Canary Wharf 30+ - Birmingham - Manchester - Leeds - Dubai - Malta

                Terms and conditions:

                • Offer valid only for all markets, bookings made until December 31, 2022 and with last course start date until March 31, 2023.
                EC (July 2022)

                Study English with up to 25% OFF in Canada, Malta, Ireland and the United States with EC

                25% OFF tuition for courses reserved until September 2022, with start date 2022.

                Available for: Los Angeles, London, New York a.m., Cambridge a.m., San Francisco, Dublin, Toronto & Vancouver Centers 30+: London, New York, Dublin, Toronto & Vancouver.

                35% OFF tuition, courses reserved until September 2022, with a start date of 2022.

                Available for: Brighton, Bristol, Manchester, Boston, Boston, San Diego, Cape Town, Montreal, New York p.m. & Cambridge p.m.

                50% OFF on the accommodation fee for U.S. schools.

                Terms and Conditions (Presential Programs):

                • Offers Valid for registrations received by September 30, 2022, with a start date in 2022.
                • Valid for all adult programs. Does not apply to Young Learners, Club 50, One to One private lessons and Mini Groups.
                • FREE Transfer (IN) in Malta and Cape Town if the student books accommodation with EC.
                • For more information on refunds and cancellation policies refer to EC T&C.
                • In case students postpone their start date after booking, the corresponding promotion must be applied.
                Greenwich College (July 2022)

                Study English in Australia from 210 AUD per week.
                Study 23 weeks and get 1 week free.
                Study 38 weeks and get 2 weeks free.

                Sydney and Melbourne
                Day courses (9:00 am - 3:00 pm)
                260 AUD per week
                Evening courses (4:30 am - 9:00 pm)
                215 AUD per week

                Day courses (9:00 am - 3:00 pm)
                245 AUD per week
                Evening courses (4:30 am - 9:00 pm)
                210 AUD per week

                Terms and conditions:

                • Valid as of July 1, 2022.
                • Greenwich College reserves the right to make changes to current promotions with 30 days notice.
                • Applications must be received by December 31, 2022.
                • Valid only for Latin American and Brazilian passport holders.
                OHC - Oxford House (June 2022)

                With OHC English Oxford Housea partner school of Veta Education, study English abroad, get to know the destination of your dreams and enjoy these incredible discounts on the total price of the courses.

                United States 30% Canada
                Canada 25% Australia
                Australia 25% England
                England 20% Ireland
                Ireland 20% Ireland

                Terms and conditions:

                • Offer valid for reservations received before July 31, 2022.
                • Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion.
                • This promotion can only be used on the 2022 price list.
                ENGLISH IN MALTA WITH EC
                1. The cost of the 40-week package without discount is 6,485 EUR. Includes registration to the General English course IN MALTA WITH EC for 40 weeks (weekly value 145 EUR) + registration fee (45 EUR) + medical insurance (640 EUR).
                2. The price of 120 EUR per week applies only for the 40-week course, provided that full payment is made between August 1 and August 31, 2021 (total value: 5,885 EUR). This price includes a discount of 600 EUR.
                3. The total cost (5,885 EUR) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + medical insurance.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. The cost of the 40-week package without discount is 9,984 CAD. Includes registration to the General English course at EC Montreal for 40 weeks (weekly value 201 CAD) + registration (130 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (224 CAD).
                2. The price of 229 CAD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (total value: 9,184 CAD). This price includes a discount of 800 CAD and visa (visa value regular price 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (9,184 CAD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. Value of the 40-week package without discount is 10,224 CAD. Includes registration to the General English course at EC TORONTO for 40 weeks (weekly value 211 CAD) + registration (130 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (224 CAD).
                2. The price of 238 CAD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (total value: 9,484 CAD). This price includes a discount of 750 CAD and visa (visa value regular price 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (9,484 CAD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. Value of the 40-week package without discount is 10,224 CAD. Includes registration to the General English course at EC TORONTO for 40 weeks (weekly value 211 CAD) + registration (130 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (224 CAD).
                2. The price of 238 CAD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (total value: 9,484 CAD). This price includes a discount of 750 CAD and visa (visa value regular price 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (9,484 CAD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. The cost of the 40-week package without discount is 11,350 CAD. Includes registration for the General English course at ILSC VANCOUVER/ TORONTO - GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE MORNING for 40 weeks (weekly value 231 CAD) + registration (160 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (320 CAD).
                2. The price of 263 CAD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (total value: 10,510 CAD). This price includes a discount of 850 CAD and visa (visa value regular price 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (10,510 CAD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. The cost of the 40-week package without discount is 10,630 CAD. Includes registration for the General English course at ILSC VANCOUVER/ TORONTO - GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE AFTERNOON for 40 weeks (weekly value 204 CAD) + enrollment (160 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (320 CAD)
                2. The price of 238 CAD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (total value: 9,430 CAD). This price includes a discount of 1,200 CAD and visa (regular price of visa 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (9,430 CAD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. The cost of the 40-week package without discount is 11,070 CAD. Includes registration for the General English course at ILSC MONTREAL - MORNING GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE for 40 weeks (weekly value 224 CAD) + registration (160 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (320 CAD).
                2. The price of 256 CAD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made between August 1 and August 31, 2021 (total value: 10,230 CAD). This price includes a discount of 840 CAD and visa (regular visa fee 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (10,230 CAD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. The cost of the 40-week package without discount is 11,070 CAD. Includes registration to the general English course at ILSC MONTREAL- AFTERNOON GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE for 40 weeks (weekly value 197 CAD) + registration (160 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (320 CAD).
                2. The price of 229 CAD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (total value: 9,150 CAD). This price includes a discount of 1200 CAD and visa (visa value regular price 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (9,150 CAD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. The total duration of the diploma is 92 weeks. Total cost of the diploma 9,284 CAD. Includes registration to the diploma in SALES AND MARKETING DIPLOMA WITH CO-OP for 92 weeks (weekly value 82 CAD) + registration (200 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (750 CAD).
                2. The price of 99 CAD per week applies only when full payment of the diploma is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (Total value: 9,134 CAD). This price includes visa discount (regular price visa fee 150 CAD). 
                3. The total cost (9,134 CAD) includes 92 weeks of diploma + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. The total duration of the diploma is 92 weeks. Total cost of the diploma 9,284 CAD. Includes registration to the diploma in ILAC -BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIPLOMA WITH CO-OP for 92 weeks (weekly value 82 CAD) + registration fee (200 CAD) + visa (150 CAD) + medical insurance (640 CAD) + materials (750 CAD).
                2. The price of 99 CAD per week applies only when full payment of the diploma is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (Total value: 9,134 CAD). This price includes visa discount (regular price visa fee 150 CAD).
                3. The total cost (9,134 CAD) includes 92 weeks of diploma + registration + visa + medical insurance + materials.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                1. Value of the 40-week package without discount is 7,685 USD. Includes registration to the general English course in IN SOUTH AFRICA WITH EC for 40 weeks (weekly value 175 USD) + registration fee (45 USD) + medical insurance (640 USD).
                2. The price of 123 USD per week applies only for the 40-week course, as long as full payment is made from August 1 to August 31, 2021 (Total value: 5,605 USD). This price includes a discount of 2,000 USD.
                3. The total cost (5,605 USD) includes 40 weeks of course + registration + medical insurance.
                4. The package does NOT include: Biometric data collection, work permits, accommodation or any other extra expenses.
                • How many people will win?

                There will be only one winner and he/she will receive the prize depending on the city in which he/she is located.

                • What country and city is the contest for?

                The contest will be valid for people located in Australia in the main cities (Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane).

                • What is the prize?

                If you are in Sydney: You will win 2 spots aboard our luxury boat, cruising Sydney Harbour, while enjoying cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and a live DJ, a party with all the Latin flavor (next Saturday November 27th with Veta Travel).

                If you are in Melbourne: You'll win 1 slot for our all-inclusive snow plan tour with Veta Travel, where you'll enjoy a day of extreme sports or snowshoeing. (Departures on Thursdays and weekends, date of your choice based on slot availability).

                If you are in Brisbane: You will win 2 one day tickets to Sea World Gold Coast park (Dates to be chosen based on park availability). The winner will be responsible for covering the cost of travel to and from the park located on the Gold Coast.

                • What disqualifies a contestant?

                Who does not fully comply with the conditions mentioned below, these persons will be disqualified and will not be taken into account when announcing the winner of the sweepstakes.

                • On what date does the contest start and end?

                Participants will be able to register for the contest starting Thursday, August 5, 2021 and will have until Wednesday, September 15, 2021 to do so.

                • How will the winner be announced?

                The winner will be announced on Thursday, September 16 at 3:00 pm (Australian Time), with a drawing to be held via Facebook Live on the official Live, Study, Work, Adventure - Veta page.

                • What are the steps to follow?

                Step 1: The person must register on our page by filling out the completed registration form in order to participate. (Link landing). Once they register, they will receive an automatic email welcoming them to the contest, in which they will learn about the contest requirements.

                Step 2: You will have to follow our Facebook pages



                Step 3:

                You should follow us on our 9 Facebook groups:

                  • If in doubt?

                  Please contact us on any of our social networks, and we will be happy to answer your questions. What are you waiting for to participate and win?

                  WIN A SURPRISE VOUCHER - Enrolling in a vocational technical course in August 2021
                  • How can I take advantage of the promotion?

                  Register to begin your studies in a vocational technical course with our partner institutions in August 2021, it is necessary that you make the payment of the course in its entirety to enjoy all the benefits of the promotion.

                  • When does the promotion start and end?

                  The promotion will run from August 1 to August 31, 2021.

                  • For which country is the promotion open?

                  The contest will be valid for people who are in Australia at the time of the promotion (August 1 to August 31, 2021).

                  • What are the benefits of the promotion?
                  1. You will get a surprise voucher which corresponds to a 200AUD discount on the vocational technical course (trade) of your choice.
                  2. You will get an additional 50% discount on immigration consultations with MMMigration's specialized advisors.
                  3. You will get an additional 10% discount on all-inclusive Australia travel experiences with VetaTravel that take place in the month of September 2021 with the exception of snow plans.
                  Veta Travel Contest: The best photo of the season - September 2021
                  • How many people will win and how do you win?

                  There will only be one winner and it will be the one who obtains the highest number of likes or likes on his photo that will be published on our instagram account (@vetatravel).

                  • What country and city is the contest for?

                  The contest will be valid for people throughout Australia who have been part of one of our #VetaTravelExperiences. Please note that if the winner is located far from Victoria, they will have to pay for their own transportation costs to the place where the travel experience will take place (Melbourne, Victoria).

                  • What is the prize?

                  The winner will receive a ticket for a new travel experience with Veta travel to Wilson Promontory, where you can enjoy all the activities offered by this natural park in Victoria, enjoy the best landscapes, beaches and slide with your friends in the sand dunes.

                  • What disqualifies a contestant?

                  Who does not fully comply with the conditions mentioned below, these persons will be disqualified and will not be taken into account when announcing the winner of the sweepstakes.

                  • On what date does the contest start and end?

                  Participants can register for the contest by sending us the photo with which they are going to participate from August 13, 2021 and will have until August 31, 2021On this date, the last photos will be received. From September 1, 2021 September 1, 2021 all photos will be uploaded to our instagram profile (@vetatravel) and the participants will have the possibility to add likes to their photo until monday September 20, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

                  • How will the winner be announced?

                  The winner will be announced on Monday, September 20 at 3:00 pm (Australian Time), via Instagram Live on Veta Travel's official account (@vetatravel).

                  • What are the steps to follow?

                  Step 1: The participant must like our facebook page and follow us on our instagram:

                  Step 2: Then the participant must send us the photo with which he/she wants to participate by direct message to Veta Travel's official Instagram account (@vetatravel), with. full name and a short story of the experience he/she lived with Veta Travel and in this way accept that the photo will be published in this same account. Remember that the deadline to send us the photo is August 23rd.

                  Step 3: When the photo is already published on our Instagram account (@vetatravel) the participant can start sharing your photo so that it manages to get the highest number of likes.

                  Test Caption
                  Test Description goes like this