
What is the visa and why is it important?

A visa is an immigration document that allows you to enter and stay for a certain period of time in a country other than your country of origin. This document is used by countries to legalize the entry and stay of people from other countries while immigration control is exercised. The immigration laws establish different types and categories of visas, according to the action to be performed by the person within the territory. In this case we will study a little more the student visa and we will provide you with information that will help you to make your visa application process to study abroad successful. Currently, countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States and England are the main destinations chosen by Latin American students to study English or do some postgraduate studies. These countries comply with a series of requirements that may vary from one country to another, but in general the requirements that a migrant must meet to apply for a study visa are similar.

Types of visas 


  • Temporary resident visa for studies up to 6 months:

This type of visa is granted to people who are going to study in Canada for less than 6 months. For example, an intensive English course or a technical course.

  • Student visa for more than 6 months:

This visa is one of the most common and is granted to foreigners who are going to stay for more than 6 months studying in a country other than their country of origin. 

Can I work with a student visa?

In countries such as New Zealand and Australia, it is allowed to work with a student visa for courses lasting more than 4 months. In Canada it depends on the type of study to be performed, for example from technical to postgraduate. In the rest of the countries it is not possible to work with a student visa. 

9 tips for visa approval


Economic solvency or financial support: 

When you are going to study for a considerable period of time it is important that you demonstrate that you have the financial means to support yourself during your stay. This demonstrates to the immigration authorities that your entry into the country will not be for the purpose of emigration but to study and then return to your country of origin. 

Good immigration history: 

When we talk about a good immigration record we refer to the fact that you have had several entries and exits to other countries in the past, without having failed to comply with the time allowed to stay in them. This speaks well of your immigration habits and demonstrates that you have no interest in remaining illegal. 

Real ties to your home country:

This is a very important step in submitting a visa application. It demonstrates to the immigration authorities that you have real and sufficient connections in your country to want to return to it. An example of this could be: a work contract, your own home, children who depend on you, and any other strong ties that bind you to your country. 

Connection between work experience and studies:

This connection speaks of the coherence between your work experience or studies and the reason why you want to travel abroad. That is, if you are a professional and you want to boost your career by studying English, it is normal. However, if you studied engineering and want to apply for a veterinary course abroad, it may be incongruent to the immigration authorities.

Letter of acceptance from schools:

If you are going to study abroad, you probably already have in mind some courses or schools you want to attend. These schools are in charge of giving you a letter of acceptance to help you in the visa application process so that your profile is approved by the immigration authorities. This letter certifies that you are going to that country in order to join their student body. 

Do not lie on immigration forms:

It is of great importance to answer the immigration forms honestly and clearly. Any inconsistency or error in the data you provide may cause your visa application to be rejected. If there is any information you are not sure about, it is preferable that you confirm the information before answering. 

International medical insurance:

Most of the countries that Latin Americans choose as their main destinations to study, require an international medical insurance to cover any unforeseen health event that may occur during your stay abroad. This is not only an immigration requirement, but it is really important to know that you are traveling safely and that in case of any eventuality you have an insurance that will respond for you when you are far away from your country and your loved ones.

Provide complete information: 

This is a really important step. The key is order and organization. If you are preparing for the visa application, and you are going to assume the cost that this entails, it is important that you organize very well all the requested documents. If your application is rejected and you have to reapply and pay for it, this will save you time and money. This will save you time, money and frustration. We recommend that you seek the help of a professional consultant for this type of procedure so that you can be on the safe side. 

Know where they will be staying and have clear reasons for the purpose of the trip:

The immigration authorities of some countries ask you to know in advance where you will be staying during your trip abroad. This is one more piece of support to add to your visa application folder. This is requested because there are some students who, if they have family abroad, are profiled as having a high likelihood of staying in that country with their relatives. That is why you must demonstrate that in your trip you are going to reside in a hostel, rented apartment or shared with other students. Also because it is important for them to know the address where you will reside while you are in their territory.

All these tips will be very useful when preparing for your student visa application. Remember that you can always seek the advice of an expert to accompany and guide you during this process. We know that this is a great step that will boost your professional career and will help your profile stand out, besides being a wonderful experience that will bring you maturity, independence and personal growth. 

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